Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog Post #8

Dr. Miller

Watching Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2 kind of caught me off guard. I was expecting him to talk about something else. It was a little difficult to follow what he was saying at first, because he had a lot if information come up on the screen and i wasn't sure what he was talking about. He then started using a program that helped the viewers follow along. I agree with everything that he said in the video about how we have to change along with technology. If we don't we are going to become the obsolete device.

If we as educators are going to provide our students with the latest and greatest knowledge and technology, we are going to have to build our curriculum around said technology.If we as educators fail to adapt to the technology we have already hindered our students. There has to be a base line that is set. Then going above that line is key in order for those students to be educated individuals in this technology rich world.

Multimedia doesn't scare me. I am a very competitive person and so naturally I like to win. I look at multimedia and technology as getting ahead of the game. That's how I intend on explaining it to my students. I believe that my students wouldn't have a problem learning how to write with multimedia. How can I be so sure? I believe it is all in how a student is taught, if the instructor is knowledgeable and interesting then the students will buy into what I am trying to tech them.

Carly's Blog Post #12

Talk about having your mind blown. You can tell that she is excited to become a educator. Also that she is a overachiever. Which is a great thing to be. All of the links that she provided were more the helpful. I think videos are a great way to learn new information. I myself enjoy it because I learn better with seeing and hearing information then just reading it. I think she is right on track with Dr. Miller's multimedia guide. I like how she goes through and does the assignment for herself and explains that she did that because good teachers teach by example. She also talks about improving assignments which I think is great because with everything we do there is always something that could have of been done better.


I thought this video was great. It's sad to say but I really could relate. When I first started college I was the worst at procrastination. I thought and felt the same way as Chipper. Also on the fist day of class when Dr. Strange told us we would be teaching ourselves I was kind of mad because I had the "Teach me so I don't have to learn" mentality. I soon learned how thankful I was for Dr. Strange making us learn on our own. I found myself learning and retaining knowledge. The "Teach me so I don't have to learn" mentality will get you no where fast. In today's society you will have to learn on your own, and will need a degree in order to succeed.

EDM310 For Dummies

I loved the over kill in this video. I'm sure many people really do feel that way. I know I did. Coming into this class I knew that it would be time consuming. I found that out from friends that have already taken EDM. The class itself really isn't that hard it just takes time. If you do a little work on each assignment each day the stress is cut down significantly.I think this video should be shown on the first day of class so students are able to realize how to handle the class.

Learn To Change, Change To Learn

This video hits the nail on the head. Student's are exposed to technology 24/7. They are already engaging in social media such as facebook and twitter. They point out the fact to what if they were engaged with people at M.I.T. or Harvard. They make a great point. What if instead of teacher's worrying so much about keeping technology out of the classroom they simply let it in. This would allow teachers to teach students how to use technology for educational purposes. Give the students a chance to learn how to properly use technology. The fact of the matter is technology is here and is here to stay. The only choice is to get with the program and keep up with technology so we can prepare our students to be successful.


  1. Hi Stephen! I'm glad to see you are up to the challenge of integrating technology into your classroom. I agree with you on several points, such as, if "we don't, we will become the obsolete device", "if you do a little work on each assignment each day, the stress is cut down significantly", and that the Change video "hits the nail on the head." I look forward to using technology in my future classroom I believe it keeps students engaged, challenged, and excited about learning. I enjoyed reading your blog, just double check your use of "a" in the summary of Carly's blog, there were a couple that should have been "an". Nice post and good luck with EDM310!
