Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog Post #14

E-readerTeachers know if you have done the E-reading is about teachers being able to track if you are actually doing the readings or not. A few colleges and schools are starting to use this device for E-books. It allows the teacher to see if the student is actually reading the material assigned and actually learning. It is designed to let the teacher know if there were any software problems so that the students cant give a excuse.

As a teacher the idea of being able to see what your students are doing is great. After all the whole idea of education is to learn and retain knowledge. Its a great way to see who is putting in the time and effort into their studies and who is just going through the motions. The best feature to me as a teacher is the fact that it lets you know when there is a problem with the system. This helps me as a teacher to knockout all of the excuses.

As a student I am not a big fan. I think it is to big brother. I personally don't want my teacher checking up on me to see if i have been doing the readings. Students learn differently some kids just cant learn from reading out of a book. They have to see, hear, and smell in order to learn. Its not the teachers job to babysit students. When I am away from class the teacher has no control over what I do and don't do away from class.

How do other teachers feel about this?
What do you do if you have a student that is dyslexic?
Do it make your job as a teacher easier or harder?

As a college student I think this hinders the education process. We are after all in college we pay to learn so we are responsible for the grades we make. If we have instructors always on us the we wont really be learning. Once we get out into the work force our boss isn't gonna stay on us about how we are handling our work or even if we are doing it. It is up to us as students to put in the time and effort after all we are paying for it. At some point we have to grow up and buckle down that's our responsibility as students not our teachers.

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